Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lazy Vegetarian: Day 18

Breakfast... shocker! Toast! Latte!

Today's mug is Ben's from a cruise he went on with his sister Laurie...


After I dropped the girls off at daycare I stopped at the store. I managed to resist all of these though the effort caused me some serious pain.

Lunch: Mini baguette with brie and tomatoes.

In the afternoon we met up with our fabulous friends Kate and Audrey at the Wood Lake Nature Center and had coffee alongside the taxidermy...

Ben didn't get home from work until after 9 tonight so I had a snack while waiting for him...

TIME FOR A POLL!! We have a longstanding debate in Ben's family about which is better... crunchy cheetoes or puffy cheetoes? Which do you prefer? Leave a comment here or on facebook with your answer and you could win an exciting prize!!

Dinner... leftover curry. Adele ate a big bowl of this for dinner too. She rocks at eating food.

Still yummy. And still enough left in the fridge for another dinner for two, despite freezing half of what I had left over from the first time. Neverending curry. Mmmm.


Unknown said...

Crunchy or Puffy? These are very tricky questions that you ask. I think for me it narrows down to whether it is an even or odd day of the week. Even equals Crunchy, Odd equals Puffy. Or vice versa, either way they both rock and I could eat some form of Cheetos everyday. I hope I win the prize :)

Mum said...

I am not sure if I have ever had a cheeto so can I vote for cheese and onion crisps?

Ben said...

Clearly the multifaceted texture of crunchy Cheetos is targeted towards those with a more sophisticated palate.

groovesocket said...

My unsophisticated palate prefers puffy.