Monday, October 3, 2011

Lazy Vegetarian: Day 3

Day 3!

Breakfast with Adele... Latte. Toast. Marmalade. Sensing a theme?

And some strawberries.

Then we made some cookies to share with our friends...

In the interest of heath and safety, I had to test one.

We went to Richardson nature center and the girls had a lovely time playing and picnicking. It was a beautiful day.

The girls ate lunch and I ate some blueberries...

And a cookie.

We missed some of our other friends who were under the weather and didn't make it. Hope you guys feel better soon!

After we got home I had lunch while Adele napped and Fiona rested in front of some Diego.

Cheese and salad sandwich, apple and yeah, that's another cookie.

Later I made a cup of tea but it looked lonely... so I had another cookie.

Around 6pm I fed the girls, but Ben works late so to tide myself over until dinner I... um... had another cookie. PLEASE, will someone remove these from my house?! I clearly have NO self control!!

Then after the girls went to bed it was dinner time. It was almost 9pm so I snacked on an olive while I cooked.

Lazy recipe! Veggie burgers with gorgonzola and sauteed onions and mushrooms in red wine. And whatever you fancy on the side. YUM. I had salad and something that was the same as tator tots but organic and called something else. Something puffs.

So that was Monday. I'm hoping Ben will take the rest of the cookies to work tomorrow.


Unknown said...

"Me want cookies"!

Mum said...

Cookies look good! Does Fiona not get breakfast? And I love Adele's hair-do.

mobley said...

Now this is getting closer to my kind of veggie eating. Cookie, cookies, cookies, tea, cookies, cheese, cookies, burger and fries. Throw in some bacon and I'll sign up.

Louise said...

Lori, they are yours! Come get them!

Mum, they are good. Too good. Fiona usually eats breakfast earlier with Ben. She kept that bow in for hours! It's a new record!

Mobley, bacon would have made it perfect. Mmmm bacon.