Sunday, April 10, 2011

Double park day!

This morning the weather was gorgeous! We took a walk and stopped at the park. It was sunny and warm and wonderful. Trees were in bud, birds were singing, skin was showing. Warmer weather makes me so very happy!

Fiona took a late nap, and then was all hyper and crazy so I took her on a late afternoon march back over to the park while Ben visited with John and Mike. Wow, did that weather change! No one was outside and the park was abandoned, and everything had this "pre-apocalyptic" feeling - like a scene in a movie where everyone is hiding out in their houses waiting for the meteor/tornado/zombie apocalypse that is inevitably coming. The sky was grey and ominous and Fiona kept talking about scary clouds and thunderstorms (like in Winnie the Pooh and the blustery day, her latest favorite show). We made it to the park and she played on the slides, but the wind was howling off the lake and we could feel drops of rain so we left pretty quickly.

We made it home without being blown away or struck by lightning. It was good for her to get out and get some exercise because she was pretty tired by bedtime. I hope it warms up again though, because that brief hint this morning was lovely!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you to get out and enjoy some fresh air, even if it is blowing directly up your nostrils in a stormy fashion :)