Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fiona braves arctic temperatures, meets sister.

I'm going to begin this blog post with a tip-o-the-hat to today's weather. Minnesota, you have outdone yourself. January 2nd, 2010... -15 degrees. Yep, farenheit. Yep, that's -26 C. Yep, before windchill. It's COLD.

However, we are brave, and got all bundled up to go the hospital so Adele could meet some special people including her very own big sister...

"Ooh, a baby!!"

First family portrait...

Cathy and Emily came to meet Adele too. Sadly Emily is also not allowed to visit in person, so she had to visit through the glass too...

(Fiona notices that Adele alos has a nose)

Cathy passed the age and health screening and was granted entry to visit in person.

And she held Adele while I took even more photos of her :-)



Tiny hands...

I'll get the rest on flickr as soon as I can...

Health-wise, Adele is still doing great. She's taking 4 out of her 8 feedings by bottles now, and is handling them very well, so they'll keep increasing that. The doctor that came by today thinks that if she keeps progressing at this rate she'll be home by next weekend. I'm not getting my hopes up, but that would be pretty exciting!


Unknown said...

How exciting! I can't wait to meet Adele. That is wonderful that Fiona was able to meet her little sister.

John said...

Go Baby Go!
(I believe in you...)

Louise said...

Hi Lori! I'm excited for you to meet her too! And the rest of the world outside of Special Care. Except people with germs ;-)

Thanks John!