Monday, January 4, 2010

Another step closer!

Today Adele had her carseat test. I actually felt nervous for her beforehand! Fortunately, she passed! She had to sit in the seat for an hour and not stop breathing or have any heartate dips. This means that when she's ready to come home, she can come in her normal carseat. Yay!

Here she is taking her test...

She's also doing really well with her bottles. Now she's allowed to have a bottle for each feeding if she can handle it. Yesterday she had 5 out of 8, and they'll keep offering her bottles until she's taking 8 out of 8, and drinking the whole thing each time.

Here's daddy giving her a bottle...

Unfortunately Fiona has the cold again and therefore, so do I. Luckily it's not too bad for me, but Fiona has been very crabby and snotty today, poor thing! Hopefully she'll feel better soon! I got her the Elmo in Grouchland movie because she's still completely in love with Elmo, so if she's still feeling bad tomorrow, at least we can have a nice time cuddled up on the couch together.


Zoe's Mom said...

She'll be coming home soon! At the NICU Zoe was in, they didn't do the car seat test until the day before she came home!

Unknown said...

Hope that there is health all around, so Adele can come home and join the circus ;)

Mum said...

Well done Adele! Was the movie choice for Fiona a little ironic? Sorry that she is under the weather - and I hope Elmno cheers her up a bit.

Louise said...

Hi Susan! It will be soon, but it still feels so far away!

Hi Lori! That will be fun!

Hi Mum! I didn't even think of that! Poor Fiona. Elmo definitely helped her feel better though.