Friday, August 21, 2009

Question of the day...

What's the best thing to do if your Mummy is growing a big, somewhat squishy tummy?

Treat her gently, trying not to elbow/knee/jump up and down on/otherwise manhandle her somewhat sensitive stomach area?

No... Fiona's answer is to pounce on it, and obsessively blow raspberries until both parties involved require at least a large towel, and preferably a shower...

What am I going to do with this crazy girl? Every time my stomach is in her reach, this is what I have to brace myself for...


Mrs Chronic-Shock said...

OMG...that is hilarious!

The Fat Mess said...

Maybe she wants to be a motorboat.

Louise said...

Hi Mrs C-S. At first I'd giggle (it tickled like crazy!) but I got over that after a week or so, and now it's just kind of gross... :-)

Hi David, That's funny :-)

Tanya Cothran said...

Haha! I laughed out loud at this video - tummy raspberries are always funny!

mobley said...

Clearly this advanced child is communicating with her sibling, perhaps using an advanced form of language like the dolphins. Or maybe she's nuts. Come to think of it, maybe YOU'RE nuts for video recording it and publishing it on the internet!

Louise said...

Hi Tanya! We'll see how funny it is next time you come over and try to sit on the couch... ;-)

Hi Mobley! The answer is that we're both nuts, but at least now I have some really good blackmail material for when she's older!