It's a new year...
Here's what we've been up to in the last couple of weeks...
Fiona and I made a gingerbread house together. It was fun, but more work than I thought it would be! Fiona wanted to eat the house walls, and as much frosting as possible, but it turned out ok in the end.
We had a lovely Christmas with Ben's family. Christmas Eve was of course the traditional dinner and talent show at his parents' house. The talents this year were exceptional, including Fiona's "bottom dancing"...
We spent Christmas Day here, in our pyjamas. Ben's family came over and we opened presents together, and tried to polish off the Christmas cookies and desserts. We failed, but it was a good effort. Fiona quickly got into the spirit of opening presents, and found the whole thing very exciting!
She got some really great boxes!
Fiona was too excited and much too full of sugar to take an afternoon nap, and by the time everyone left (around 7pm) she was starting to get cranky. She was annoyed because I told her she could not watch a movie, and stomped off to her room, and turned off the light. I jokingly called out "goodnight, Fiona!' and finished saying goodbye to our guests. Once everyone was gone I went to check on her and she was curled up in bed fast asleep. A Christmas miracle!
We had a wonderful day and Ben surprised me with some lovely gifts, none of which required batteries, micro usb adaptors, or a network to function. Nice job sweetie :-)
So here we are - 2011. We took down the Christmas decorations today, and I think the girls will miss the dancing snowman. 2010 was a wonderful year filled with many happy memories. Here are some highlights...
- Adele came home from the hospital and we started life as a family of 4
- I FINALLY graduated with a Master's in General Experimental Psychology
- We visited Scotland for Adele's baptism
- We had a variety of fun visitors from far off lands
- Fiona learned how to wee in the potty!
- Adele grew bigger and stronger, and worked on learning how to do stuff.
- We got to know our "mommy group" friends better, and shared in some wonderful events, playdates, celebrations, and new baby joys with them.
Here are my goals for the new year... I had to include some that I hope are more achievable.
1. Take regular showers.
2. Fill in blanks in baby books for both girls.
3. Continue to try to cook more new and healthy foods.
4. Be more patient
5. Take more pictures. Get better at taking and editing them.
6. Crochet some stuff
7. Spend more time with people we did not see enough last year.
8. Get Fiona to poop in the potty
9. Go on some dates with the Ben
10. Eat twixes
11. Soak up every wonderful moment with my little girls.
Happy New Year everyone!