Wednesday, August 4, 2010


As I've mentioned, every 2 weeks I pick up our CSA share. First things first, the answers to the last Vegewhatable?! Were kohlrabi and... well, I gave the second thing to my sister in law, Cathy, and I'm not sure if they ate it or were too afraid. We got another one this week though, so eventually we'll know. We had two kohlrabi which I used roasted in curry and raw in a mixed veggie salad. It was good both ways, and does indeed taste like broccoli stems as wikipedia suggests, but luckily not in a disgusting way. Thanks to all of you who played along!

This week, featured on Vegewhatable?! We have this:

This is kind of a cheater vegewhatable?! because I already know what it is. I think. I thought it was some kind of squash, and I washed it and chopped it in half to chop up to throw into the sauce for the pasta for dinner. But I got a vege-bigsurprise-able...

Um, yeah. Not a squash. It's a cucumber. Seriously. I ate half of it, and it's definitely a cucumber. Luckily I like cucumbers! No prizes for guessing that one though, sorry. Not that there were prizes last time. It's an underfunded blog game show.

Still, as a bonus round, here's one for my brother David. I don't think he's seen one of these in this form before...

Oh, and because I know you eagle-eyed players will spot it, hanging out in the top left corner is indeed a rarely seen one of these...

Wow. Just... wow. I guess that's what happens when you're on an all-organic diet. Impressive. I bought Ben some organic bread for breakfast. You know, because it's healthy. *Ahem* Anyway.

So here's tonight's featured recipe experience. I'm still making new things from real ingredients. Last week I made a fantastic lasagne all from scratch. It took 2 days because the girls don't always cooperate with my culinary adventures. But often I at least try to add some real food into prepared food. Tonight's meal was Trader Joe's giant cheese raviolis with jar of organic *wink, wink* red sauce, vegetarian meatballs, and csa zucchini (courgette). It was good, and the added vegetable felt really healthy :-)

That's all for today. Tune in next time for 'more innuendo related to cucumbers'.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your post, and felt naughty all at the same time. Only you could accomplish that...

kateks said...

Love it! And that thing is massive. Be careful what you wish for.

MichelleMN said...

I've done the oops-thought-it-was-a-zuke-but-its-really-a-cuke with csa food before, too =)