Monday, December 21, 2009

Isolette Graduation

Today was a big day for Adele! She passed the 4lb mark, weighing in at 1880g (4lbs, 2.3oz). This was a 105g weight gain from yesterday, which is a lot more than her usual 30g average daily gain. She might weigh a little less tomorrow because 105g is unusual and she probably had to make a big poo or something ;-)

The upshot of this is that she was deemed ready to graduate from the isolette to a regular bassinet! They started to turn down the temperature in her little greenhouse, and I thought it would take a couple of days to make the switch but when I visited tonight the nurse said that after I cuddled with her, she was going into the bassinet instead! Of course, I did not have my camera to record this milestone because the battery was charging, but assuming she manages to maintain her temperature and doesn't have to move back, there will be pictures tomorrow. I dressed her before I left, and she is wearing a long sleeved shirt, pyjamas, socks, a hat and three blankets. Hopefully it's enough :-)

In other news, she is showing more and more interest in breastfeeding, which is great! She had her pulse oximeter removed because she's never had a problem with blood oxygenation, so that's one less wire to worry about. She is only occasionally having spells where the forgets to breathe, and she had another bath, and was less happy with this one...

But liked snuggling with Daddy afterwards...

And after she was all dried off her hair looked fantastic!

Fiona has been excited to meet all of the people visiting for Christmas and had fun at Ryan's birthday dinner this evening running around and playing with her cousins. She has been working on talking some more and yesterday was counting magnets... she only got as far as "two" but I was really impressed! She also likes to do naughty things and laugh at me when I tell her not to... that part is not so fun!

So everything is good. This week is busy because I am far from ready for Christmas on Friday, but we're having fun hanging out and visiting and eating Christmas cookies.


Alison said...

Awwwwww that picture after the bath is adorable! Bless! XX

Cathy said...

I HAVE to meet my tiniest niece. She is so cute. I loved watching Fiona at the dinner. All the kids had so much fun..We saved you guys some birthday cake :).

Bill said...

She looks comfy in her PJs.

Michelle said...

I completely agree with you Ali! The pictures after the bath, all wrapped up with Daddy then in her PJs with her fluffy hair are so cute!

John Hamer said...

We were really happy that we got to meet Adele last week. We're glad she's doing so well.